Other Material
This section currently contains the following printed material:
Articles on various rowing topics
Associate Reports 1967-2007. Great source of information on those years.
IARU Calendars - 1933-1977
Club Listings by county
Club Stuff - bits and pieces from various clubs
Club Dinners - menus etc
Forde Hall Papers - various papers from Past President T.Forde Hall
IARU/Rowing Ireland - material issued by Rowing Ireland over the years
Miscellaneous - Bits and bobs that do not fit any other category
Olympics - material relation to Irish participation
Regatta Badges & Tickets
Rules - old rule books 1927-2015
Regatta Returns 1940s - 1960s
Various Magazines & Bulletins
IARU Bulletins 1958-2000
Regatta Magazine 1985-86
Rowing Independent 1989-1990
Rowing Ireland E-zines 2013-2015
Ulster Branch Bulletins 1983-1986